// Trying to create a saddle for demonstrating optimization. // use <3dplot.scad> /////// Can't get the function precendences to work properly, so /////// just including the code directly here. // OpenSCAD 3D surface plotter, z(x,y) // Dan Newman, dan newman @ mtbaldy us // 8 April 2011 // 10 June 2012 (revised) // // For 2D plots, please see polymaker's OpenSCAD 2D graphing // program, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:11243. // --- BEGIN EXAMPLES --- // To use an example, uncomment the z function declaration and 3dplot() call // Square ripples in a pond //function z(x,y) = 2*cos(rad2deg(abs(x)+abs(y))); //3dplot([-4*pi,4*pi],[-4*pi,4*pi],[50,50],-2.5); // A wash board //function z(x,y) = cos(rad2deg(abs(x)+abs(y))); //3dplot([-4*pi,4*pi],[-4*pi-20,4*pi-20],[50,50],-1.1); // Uniform bumps and dips // function z(x,y) = 5*cos(rad2deg(x)) * sin(rad2deg(y)); // 3dplot([-2*pi,2*pi],[-2*pi,2*pi],[50,50],-6); // Looks similar to the sombrero function (needs the J1 Bessel function) //function z(x,y) = 15*cos(180*sqrt(x*x+y*y)/pi)/sqrt(2+x*x+y*y); //3dplot([-4*pi,+4*pi],[-4*pi,+4*pi],[50,50],-5); // --- END EXAMPLES -- // --- Useful code begins here pi = 3.14159265358979; e = 2.71828182845904; // OpenSCAD trig functions use degrees rather than radians function rad2deg(a) = a * 180 / pi; // For the cube vertices // // cube_vertices = [ [0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,0,1], [1,0,1], // [0,1,0], [1,1,0], [0,1,1], [1,1,1] ]; // // The two upright prisms which the cube can be divided into are // // prism_faces_1 = [[3,2,7],[5,0,1], [0,2,1],[2,3,1], [1,3,5],[3,7,5], [7,2,5],[2,0,5]]; // prism_faces_2 = [[6,7,2],[4,0,5], [7,6,4],[4,5,7], [6,2,0],[0,4,6], [2,7,5],[5,0,2]]; // // If you need help visualizing them, you can draw them, // // polyhedron(points=cube_vertices, faces=prism_faces_1); // polyhedron(points=cube_vertices, faces=prism_faces_2); // // However, since we want to evaluate z(x,y) at each vertex of a prism // AND each prism doesn't need all the cube vertices, we can save a few // calculations by having two sets of vertices, // // prism_vertices_1 = [ [0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,0,1], [1,0,1], [1,1,0], [1,1,1] ]; // prism_faces_1 = [ [3,2,5],[4,0,1], [0,2,1],[2,3,1], [1,3,4],[3,5,4], [5,2,4],[2,0,4] ]; // prism_vertices_2 = [ [0,0,0], [0,0,1], [0,1,0], [1,1,0], [0,1,1], [1,1,1] ]; // prism_faces_2 = [[4,5,1],[2,0,3], [5,4,2],[2,3,5], [4,1,0],[0,2,4], [1,5,3],[3,0,1]]; // // polyhedron(points=prism_vertices_1, faces=prism_faces_1); // polyhedron(points=prism_vertices_2, faces=prism_faces_2); // Our NxM grid is NxM cubes, each cube split into 2 upright prisms prism_faces_1 = [ [3,2,5],[4,0,1], [0,2,1],[2,3,1], [1,3,4],[3,5,4], [5,2,4],[2,0,4] ]; prism_faces_2 = [[4,5,1],[2,0,3], [5,4,2],[2,3,5], [4,1,0],[0,2,4], [1,5,3],[3,0,1]]; // 3dplot -- the 3d surface generator // // x_range -- 2-tuple [x_min, x_max], the minimum and maximum x values // y_range -- 2-tuple [y_min, y_max], the minimum and maximum y values // grid -- 2-tuple [grid_x, grid_y] indicating the number of grid cells // along the x and y axes // z_min -- Minimum expected z-value; used to bound the underside of the surface // dims -- 2-tuple [x_length, y_length], the physical dimensions in millimeters module 3dplot(x_range=[-10, +10], y_range=[-10,10], grid=[50,50], z_min=-5, dims=[80,80]) { dx = ( x_range[1] - x_range[0] ) / grid[0]; dy = ( y_range[1] - y_range[0] ) / grid[1]; // The translation moves the object so that its center is at (x,y)=(0,0) // and the underside rests on the plane z=0 scale([dims[0]/(max(x_range[1],x_range[0])-min(x_range[0],x_range[1])), dims[1]/(max(y_range[1],y_range[0])-min(y_range[0],y_range[1])),1]) translate([-(x_range[0]+x_range[1])/2, -(y_range[0]+y_range[1])/2, -z_min]) union() { for ( x = [x_range[0] : dx : x_range[1]] ) { for ( y = [y_range[0] : dy : y_range[1]] ) { polyhedron(points=[[x,y,z_min], [x+dx,y,z_min], [x,y,z(x,y)], [x+dx,y,z(x+dx,y)], [x+dx,y+dy,z_min], [x+dx,y+dy,z(x+dx,y+dy)]], faces=prism_faces_1); polyhedron(points=[[x,y,z_min], [x,y,z(x,y)], [x,y+dy,z_min], [x+dx,y+dy,z_min], [x,y+dy,z(x,y+dy)], [x+dx,y+dy,z(x+dx,y+dy)]], faces=prism_faces_2); } } } } /////// end of 3dplot.scad Letter_Height=5; Line_Height=2; Line_Width=2; //The size the letters are font_size = 20;//[1:50] //Note: not all fonts may work text_font = "Arial:style=Bold"; // for the holes we're cutting HoleQuality = 50; module PlaceLetter(ThisChar, x, y, z=0) { translate([x-5,y-4,z]){ linear_extrude(height = Letter_Height, convexity = 10){ text(ThisChar, font = text_font, size = font_size); } } }; // Square ripples in a pond // function z(x,y) = 2*cos(rad2deg(abs(x)+abs(y))); // Have wavelength adjust for degrees, as well wavelength = 10/360; amplitude = 20; function firstterm(x,y) = sin(sqrt(x*x+y*y)/wavelength)/sqrt(x*x+y*y); function z(x,y) = amplitude*(firstterm(x,y))+1; // scale([0.85,0.85,0.8]){ // x_range, y_range, grid, z_min // cheat and avoid the /0 here 3dplot([-50,50], [-50,50], [99,99], -2.5); // }